Saturday, December 29, 2012

Let Us Never Forget

Let Us Never Forget

We woke up today to a terrible news. The braveheart girl who suffered the horrifying gangrape in Delhi passed away last night, after an extended battle with her injuries. May she rest in peace.

Now we know the usual drill. Something terrible happens. We outrage on Twitter and Facebook. The politicians shed some fake tears, announce some half-measures hoping we will forget about it soon, we soon forget as expected, and life goes on.

Let that not happen this time. Let us not forget what happened to her. Let this outrage not die down. Let this case serve as a constant reminder of what all is wrong with our society.

Let our government remember that we have had enough. It is time they move beyond half measures, such as claiming to cancel the permit of the bus which didn’t even have a valid permit, or passing the buck across governments or departments, to actually doing something to improve the law and order situation in the country.

Let the government remember that one day the outrage will spill over, and no number of water cannons or expired teargas shells will be able to stop it. Let our leaders realize that they cannot get away with making stupid statements in public, such as Abhijit Mukherjee’s ‘dented-painted‘ comment, or the TMC MP’s comment about a gangrape victim being a sex-worker, or the various comments that try to attribute blame on the victim’s dress, character etc. You are our leaders; show us it means something to you.

Let the police be more sensitive. They are our protectors; let them behave like one. Let the judiciary become a deterrent to stop crime, not a deterrent to citizens who start fearing spending half their life enduring court appearances. Let us stop saying that justice delayed is justice denied and actually show that it means something.

Let our politicians move beyond making money through myriad scams and divisive politics, and actually start doing something for the people who brought them to power. Show us once again that democracy was not just a theoretical concept; that our democracy is not on life-support. Let them serve as role models, and not people for whom the Parliament is about shouting slogans and getting the house adjourned. Because that is actually thwarting the democratic process.

Let the media remember that sometimes it is important to think beyond TRPs, and show some sensitivity. For god’s sake, don’t throw a camera in the face of a grieving relative, or show the live telecast of a funeral procession. Give people some space. Set some boundaries.

Let this also be a reminder to the Indian people that blaming the government for everything will not do. Because it is people from amidst us who are committing these crimes, and getting away because we Indian people have become so insensitive.

Let this be a constant reminder to us that women are to be respected, not groped or molested. That it is us men who need to behave ourselves. That it is not ok if we have our boys playfully make comments about their GI Joe toys raping the girls’ barbies. That we need to get over our sexist attitudes and give women some more respect. I have personally seen educated men working in elite companies make remarks such as ‘women are just show-pieces’ or something even more crass. If this is what education does to us, then it is all a sham.

Let us teach good values to our kids, for they are our future. Teach them the importance of respect. Teach them that everybody is equal. Teach them that life is not only about ‘I, me, myself.’ Teach them that no means no.

Let us try to be good citizens and take more ownership of our cities. Small gestures help. Be nice to your neighbors. Don’t threaten to shoot them over parking disputes. Don’t drive like maniacs. Be courteous to fellow-drivers and try not to run over pedestrians. Don’t litter. Don’t try to bribe your way out of fines. Pay your taxes. Good begets good.

Let us NEVER forget this incident. Let us keep up the outrage, if it helps improve our society. Let us talk – talk about ways of improving things, talk about what we can do to help, talk about the ways for getting us out of this mess.

Let there never be another such case again. Because mankind cannot take too many such incidents without something dying inside each one of us via -@Amreekan Desi

Sunday, December 23, 2012

It was not the driver who raped girl...

It was not just the driver who raped her

It wasn’t just the driver and his accomplices. Such monsters are not raised in a day. It takes meticulous planning. The nation has chalked out plans for this incident for 60 years. The citizens have put intricate details in it which has led to this inevitable feat. We will keep planning. This is not the first time. This is not the end.

While they were raping her, India stood guard. We cheered them as we have cheered such psychopaths a hundred times before. We will cheer them in the future too. After all, we created them. 

Are you not finding it coherent? Let me indulge you.

You are the real termites of this country. The fact that the country is completely hollow because of you does not deter you. You still prowl like a blood sucking vampire and won’t be satiated till you drink the last drop of blood of our motherland. You were given a task. You took an oath of nation building. You could have stopped what happened. Long time back. Had you looked away from your money mongering, your own chairs, you would have realised the pitiable state in which the women of this country live. You would have made laws to make their lives better. You would have enforced those laws. But then they were not your vote banks. They could not turn your chair over. And now you call a rape victim ‘Zinda Laash’ (alive corpse)? You are not helping here to make them feel normal and accepted. Stop using a raped woman to advance your political motives. Stop shedding crocodile tears. Sexual harassment law is lingering in the parliament since 2005. If there is an iota of shame in your soulless body, stop being a virus. You have done enough harm. Do we have to carry you like an albatross around our necks for the rest of our lives?

Law enforcers
Your job is not to scare citizens. Your job is not to harass a rape victim. Your job is not to pass comments on the morality of women when they come to you for help. You are no better than the politicians. The very people whom you should be protecting are scared to come to you. You think that the women who report rape eye monetary advancements out of it. You think they are of loose moral values. And sometimes you even rape an already raped woman who has come to you for help. It is because of law enforcers like you that we are in this state. It is because of you that these rapes happen unabated, because you lack the will to protect. Because you have no idea what your job entails. Because you treat your job as a money-making machine. That girl is fighting for her life in a hospital because of the shameful negligence with which you have carried out your responsibilities over the last 60 years.

You have already pushed the news to page 4 after Narendra Modi’s win in Gujrat. It shows where your concern lie. A story is masala for a few days till a bigger one washes it away. You would have kept the candle burning. You would have encouraged the people to bring the outcry to a logical end. But like the law enforcers, you have sold yourself to the termites.

And Bollywood – Congratulations for providing the much-needed objectifying of a woman’s body through the media. Yes, that is exactly what this sexually oppressed nation wants for entertainment. With all your Chikni Chamelis and Halkat Jawanis, you have done the harm. So, do us a favour. Do not shed crocodile tears for that girl lying in the hospital because you are equally responsible for raising those monsters that night. You have been brainwashing this country since decades – propagating sexual harassment euphemistically as eve-teasing. You have so menacingly raised those street-side Romeos who then splash acid on a girl because they could not differentiate between reality and cinema. Knowing very well that this is a powerful media, you could have changed the course, taken up responsibility. But you too, like the rest, turned things to your advantage. You kicked an already regressive society into the pit of regression in the name of masala entertainment.

And stop portraying rape victims as unwanted and shunned by society. Grow up and snap out of that money-making brain of yours.

We, the Citizens
Yes, we are the worse offenders. The citizens of this nation. Every time we treat our mothers, sisters, daughters and wives as secondary, we contribute towards this choking patriarchal society which then acts as an umbilical chord that feed those monsters. Every time we tell our daughters that they are weaker than boys, we stomp their mind with self-doubts. Every time we stop the education of our daughters because our son has to study, we help those monsters grow manifold. Putting our daughter-in-laws in place, killing girls in the womb, putting restrictions on women, not allowing them to follow their dreams – all these acts have fuelled the events to culminate to the mess we are in right now. We even have the audacity to question the morals and circumstances of a victim since she is not related to us. We have turned into selfish creeps who stand and stare at acts of crime. We tsk tsk rape victims as if it was their fault.

We have been doing this from the last 60 years. Have we not raised these silent equivalent of terrorist camps in our own houses? We have been drawing a dividing line and now it is permanent, raising Frankensteins one after another. Why are we recoiling now? It was we who gave courage to that man to insert a rod in a woman’s vagina.

A society which comes to this does not deserve a second chance. How I wish the Mayans were right.

Mother India has been continuously raped since our independence – by politicians, by law enforcers, by media and by us. She is wounded with bruises filled with pus. And we are that pus. Feeding on her. Killing her slowly. Her own children.

And that is her curse.

No, it wasn’t just the driver and his accomplices who raped the girl that night. And they are not the only one who should be hanged.

Posted from : Bhak sala page on facebook

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