Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ek aur lau jndgi ki kyun bhuji mere maula...

NOTE: I might get a little too emotional, so if you don’t like emotions and sentiments, please don’t read this. If you think that this is all crap and bullshit, then I request you to close the tab and do me and yourself a favour because you might easily get irritated after reading this. If you are looking for anything logical or reasonable then this is not it.

This is the only line which is coming to my mind today and for the last few days. So many lights of life are lost forever and there is nothing that we can do. It started with one blast each year, which became twice or thrice every year, going from once a month to once a fortnight and now the situation is that each and every day you are listening of a blast in some city or the other. After the Delhi blast, police sprang into action and killed and captured a few militants which gave all of us a (false??) sense of security that now the terrorists would think twice before doing such a thing again. The nation mourned over the death of Inspector Sharma but was proud that there are still such sons of soil who can be counted upon to protect us from the threat of these terrorists.
BUT, in reply what we get is blasts again in Delhi a fortnight later. Blasts in Gujarat & Maharashtra, blast in agartala and guhwati.and now yesterday blasts in mumbai. There is no cost of life these days and you should be prepared to die any day.In fact I am shocked that cities like Calcutta and Chennai haven’t still faced the brunt of these BASTARDS. For the first time in my life, I am worried about my nation, I am distraught seeing the state of my mother, the nation which has given me everything and I can’t do anything. I can just sit and shed tears and see my motherland being tottered. I am not worried about the loss of lives, though I have been lucky enough not to lose any of my closed one and I thank God for that. Our nation has suffered far greater disasters; the floods in Bihar have affected 25 million people, which is a number unimaginable for any terrorist activity.
I am terrified of the mental effect of all this, they are raping my country and she is raped again and again after each and every blast and still we can’t do anything. All that we can do is sit and watch and hope them to commit a blunder, hope for some intervention from some force above us, pray to the God above us. This is the first time in my life that I feel like crying even when there has been no personal loss. Agreed cricket matches have sometimes made me emotional to a certain extent but after all that’s a sport and you can always console yourself, but how do I console myself now?
How long are they gonna do this and why are they doing this? Please somebody go and stop them. Please talk to them, appease them, do anything possible.
Please somebody listen to my pleas, please somebody stop this; it is going out of limits. Never in my life have I wished for a Superman to exist, wish there was some Superman who could bring us out of this trouble. I don’t know about others but now I am too tired and heart broken to listen to news of any more blasts.
Can we have a Gandhi now?

How long do we have to wait for the 9th avatar of Lord Vishnu to come and save us?? Where are you, whoever you are?? If there is something powerful which seeks to maintain goodness of the society and humans. If there is some such thing or some one who answers to our notions of God. Then what is he doing? How many more exams will you take? If you keep failing the student in each and every exam then the student is bound to give up, some or the other day he is going to lose all his hope and courage and submit to defeat. I am pretty sure you don’t want that to happen to us? What is the crime of my mother? She has always been a Good Samaritan, always trying to support the weak nations, never hurting anyone. Why is it that it is always she who has to suffer?

PS: Wikipedia says “As of 2006, at least 232 of the country’s 608 districts were afflicted, at differing intensities, by various insurgent and terrorist movements.” Now what more can I say

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