Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Life is not as easy as I supposed.

Problems are not solved in the way they are proposed.

Why I throw the ball outside the goal.

When I am standing just beside the pole.

It is like writing the same word all the time.

Can’t explain my feeling in my rhtyme.

People say life is what it is.

I ask, so what it is?

Can anyone answer me why my struggle is futile?

I weep daily but why it is difficult to bring a smile?

Questions, Questions unanswered why they are in my mind.

This ad that I am getting always but not of that kind

Dhiru dear, do not fear, even if questions are in queue.

Don’t search today the answer they will one day find you!!

Dheeraj Kumar

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How to Install Love.......

hello all... i found this conversation on my friend's blog... so i am pasting here... hope u like it............

Tech Support: Yes, how can I help you?

Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install Love. Can you guide me through the process?

Tech Support : Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?

Customer : Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready, as long as you walk me through the steps. Tell me now, what do I do first?

Tech Support : The first step is to open your Heart. Have you located your Heart?

Customer : Yes, but there are several other programmes running now. Is it okay to install Love while they are running?

Tech Support : Er... what programmes are running, can you list them for me?

Customer : Let's see, I have Past Hurt, Low Self-esteem, Grudge and Resentment running right now.

Tech Support : No problem, you can go right ahead. Love will gradually erase Past Hurt from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory but it will no longer disrupt other programmes.

Love will eventually override Low Self-esteem with a module of its own called High Self-esteem. However, you have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment. Those programmes prevent Love from being properly installed.
Tell me, can you turn those off?

Customer : Umm... let me see. Actually, I don't know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how? Please help.

Tech Support : With pleasure. It's really quite simple. Go to your start menu and invoke Forgiveness. Do this as many times as necessary until Grudge and Resentment have been completely erased.

Customer : Okay, done! Wow, Love has started installing itself. Is that normal?

Tech Support : Yes, but remember that you have only the base programme. It's quite basic. You need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order to get the upgrades.

Customer : Oops! I have an error message already. It says, 'Error’ Programme not run on external components.' What should I do now?

Tech Support : Don't worry, relax. It means that the Love programme is set up to run on Internal Hearts, but has not yet been run on your Heart. In non-technical terms, it simply means you have to Love yourself before you can Love others.

Customer : So, what should I do?

Tech Support : Pull down Self-acceptance; then click on the following files: Forgive Self; Realise Your Worth; and Acknowledge Your Limitations.

Customer : Okay, done. That wasn't too difficult.

Tech Support : Now, copy them to the 'My Heart' directory. The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming. Also, you need to delete Verbose Self-criticism from all directories and empty your Recycle Bin to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back.

Customer : Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with new files. Smile is playing on my monitor and Peace and Contentment are copying themselves all over My Heart. Is this normal?

Tech Support : Sometimes. For others it takes a while, but eventually everything gets it at the proper time. So Love is installed and running. One more thing before we hang up. Love is Freeware. Be sure to pass it and its various modules around to everyone you meet. They will in turn share it with others and return some cool modules back to you.

Customer : Thank you, thank you so much.

Hope u like it.........

Monday, December 29, 2008

New year Resolutions...........


so here are my new year resolutions........

  1. Will do whatever my heart or brain will say. Will not be depend on others to make my life's decisions. After all its Dheeraj Kumar's life. so that i will not be having any excuses later, it will be my decision and i am the only responsible for the positive or negative of that.

  2. Gain weight at least 20 Kgs. (Well i am feeling fine now.. jaundice effect is still here but i will recover)

  3. Take up a new habit: smoking or gambling or playing guitar.(Well last one seems ok to me wht say?)

  4. I will not waste my time relieving about the past , i will spent it in worrying about the future. Surely i can't change the past but i can change the future by doing good things in the present.

  5. I will try to figure out why i need 5 E-mail ID's. Hehe

  6. Stop gossiping or playing cards, i think playing cards is waste of time and gossiping is not for men. ;)

  7. Drew up a list of people who were rude to me, will try to get back to them.

  8. Will give more importance to my family and friends than my work.

  9. Will rise in love again, oops sorry will fall in love.

  10. I will not let my secrets to anybody excepts my close close ones.

  11. Less chatting and concentrate on studies.

  12. Try to be a good human being.(sorry thoda emotional ho gaya tha .. :))

Oye haan ... Wish u all a very very happy and bright new year.....
wish for me ... ki me apne sabhi resolutions ... ko pura kar saku...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A plastic smile

One of my several bad qualities is that I don’t smile , if I don’t actually feel like it . I would be sometimes absent minded if I am in the middle of work and may stare at a very well known face without a smile that may make him feel transparent. I don’t smile if I don’t know the person , I am not the kind who smiles at all friendly faces.

I was lectured many a times for my unfriendly attitudes- still did not change much. I still remain a very unfriendly person on encounters , at least the first few of them. Even then I have many good friends ( their fault) .Recently I was Told over and over again , that I NEED to Smile !!!! I was wondering .. DO I NEED to smile…..even if artificially? Why do Others feel My need to smile!!! Ha ha may be they NEED my smile? Huh? Complicated needs!!!

But I do laugh a lot , I do roar and make noise and laugh , but that is only in the circle where I go well with and only when I am relaxed .In the middle of work or when something is on my mind I am bloody well without a smile, a smug face and a totally no nonsense. But most of my colleagues and friends and others got used to my ways now –probably they did not have a choice .

I tried to look at the mirror in the bath and smile at my face. IT reflected a stupid face – all out of control and very unlike me. NO , that was Very artificial ? Oh – is that the point I was thinking of? An artificial plastic smile does no good to an ordinary face which is otherwise ok to bear with. I hate artificial smiles and people who adorn that plastic smile on their faces. I would feel better off with a stern or angry or sad face than a face that reflects a smile that says - all that he is showing u is artificial.

To smile artificially, without letting the other one know that it does not originate from heart – needs great talent. I salute the people who can do that. But I hate all plastic smiles. And even plastic emotions. I need to start accepting these plastics to be able to do it successfully. May be I have allergy towards duplicates..?

Still , now a days I am spending too much time in the bath. My friends screams at my door wondering what me is doing in . I tried to tell them- that I am practicing to smile. they looks at me with their strange ex-pression on face …I did not try to explain further…

When everyone says and wants me to put a bit of plastic, let me , na? May be I will win a few artificial hearts in the process? Not a bad idea at all!!!

what u say guys?????
Should i make it my new year resolution?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hostel memories.... :)

I was feeling delighted. We both were smiling at each other.This was our 4th meet but first date together. She looked beautiful as usual "i" was preparing to begin the talk but this time luckily she started..

so wassup ?

my smile grew wider, and heartbeat 100+ ... i looked down, clicked the spoon twice on the plate and settled myself to begin...

it was then that i heard the annoying 4 beaps !! an SMS..

i took my cell out but a sudden noise THUD THUD THUD distracted me....

i asked her ,"
whts tht noise !!.... she said.. what? ..
i looked around, puzzled, thinking in what universe such a door knocking noise can come in the middle of a huge restaurant.

One more THUD THUD opened my eyes... i saw a small spider resting on the wall just 6 inches away from my eyes. I blinked once, then turned and with improper body movements..went to open the door and saw a distorted face hardly trying to move his toothbrush.He pointed to the
wake me up ...tag on my door, i pulled it off and threw it on his face. Slammed the door and ran to see the SMS, it said --- come to class now!
It was already 8..

I put on whatever i saw hanging and ran with the toothbrush. Pushing the same guy aside, I literally brushed my teeths, fastest ever and just ran asking him to be there for breakfast after the class.

An hour later, we were sitting quietly, stirring tea..and he asked," u look busted?

yaaa... a busted dream.

which one?

the same u had yesterday ..

Oh :D
... u know what ? we need a girl..

"a" girl?

i mean, ok... two !!

fair enough..

what did u see yesterday ?

I was just about to sing on the stage with A .R rehman when your #*&^ing THUD THUD woke me up..

:D .. a trail of tragic dreams..

we got back to our usual chit chat on other things - events, life, god, movies etc.....sat for half an hour and moved out.

In room, i went through the news paper cursorily and looked around... some what restless. It was high time for a change in life...even in things. Mission room-clean started, took all the things out... mopped the floor attentively, devoting each wipe to different but small tragedies in life :) .

The night saw a blast, we all sat for three hours and recollected all memories from the school days. It was just the heaviest ever laughter for most of us..... sharing funny moments, funny teachers, mistakes, innocence, the obedience and mischiefs ......even inacting them to experience the best entertainment :) .

Before crashing.... i could not stop myself from a desparate mischief. I set three alarms in my neighbor's cell with gaps of 30 mins, with a foolish but clear intention of shattering all his short and wacky dreams.

It was yet another day, a similar one, what we experienced for past hundreds of days..... but it was not dull enough to be forgotten. Knowing that these times will be cherished.... hope this write here will add at least a glimmer to the memories.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ek aur lau jndgi ki kyun bhuji mere maula...

NOTE: I might get a little too emotional, so if you don’t like emotions and sentiments, please don’t read this. If you think that this is all crap and bullshit, then I request you to close the tab and do me and yourself a favour because you might easily get irritated after reading this. If you are looking for anything logical or reasonable then this is not it.

This is the only line which is coming to my mind today and for the last few days. So many lights of life are lost forever and there is nothing that we can do. It started with one blast each year, which became twice or thrice every year, going from once a month to once a fortnight and now the situation is that each and every day you are listening of a blast in some city or the other. After the Delhi blast, police sprang into action and killed and captured a few militants which gave all of us a (false??) sense of security that now the terrorists would think twice before doing such a thing again. The nation mourned over the death of Inspector Sharma but was proud that there are still such sons of soil who can be counted upon to protect us from the threat of these terrorists.
BUT, in reply what we get is blasts again in Delhi a fortnight later. Blasts in Gujarat & Maharashtra, blast in agartala and guhwati.and now yesterday blasts in mumbai. There is no cost of life these days and you should be prepared to die any day.In fact I am shocked that cities like Calcutta and Chennai haven’t still faced the brunt of these BASTARDS. For the first time in my life, I am worried about my nation, I am distraught seeing the state of my mother, the nation which has given me everything and I can’t do anything. I can just sit and shed tears and see my motherland being tottered. I am not worried about the loss of lives, though I have been lucky enough not to lose any of my closed one and I thank God for that. Our nation has suffered far greater disasters; the floods in Bihar have affected 25 million people, which is a number unimaginable for any terrorist activity.
I am terrified of the mental effect of all this, they are raping my country and she is raped again and again after each and every blast and still we can’t do anything. All that we can do is sit and watch and hope them to commit a blunder, hope for some intervention from some force above us, pray to the God above us. This is the first time in my life that I feel like crying even when there has been no personal loss. Agreed cricket matches have sometimes made me emotional to a certain extent but after all that’s a sport and you can always console yourself, but how do I console myself now?
How long are they gonna do this and why are they doing this? Please somebody go and stop them. Please talk to them, appease them, do anything possible.
Please somebody listen to my pleas, please somebody stop this; it is going out of limits. Never in my life have I wished for a Superman to exist, wish there was some Superman who could bring us out of this trouble. I don’t know about others but now I am too tired and heart broken to listen to news of any more blasts.
Can we have a Gandhi now?

How long do we have to wait for the 9th avatar of Lord Vishnu to come and save us?? Where are you, whoever you are?? If there is something powerful which seeks to maintain goodness of the society and humans. If there is some such thing or some one who answers to our notions of God. Then what is he doing? How many more exams will you take? If you keep failing the student in each and every exam then the student is bound to give up, some or the other day he is going to lose all his hope and courage and submit to defeat. I am pretty sure you don’t want that to happen to us? What is the crime of my mother? She has always been a Good Samaritan, always trying to support the weak nations, never hurting anyone. Why is it that it is always she who has to suffer?

PS: Wikipedia says “As of 2006, at least 232 of the country’s 608 districts were afflicted, at differing intensities, by various insurgent and terrorist movements.” Now what more can I say

Friday, November 21, 2008

People after getting drunk...

Just for Fun…

1. Tu to Mera bhai hai...bhai !!!

2. You know i am not drunk...

3. Gaadi mein Chalaunga...

5. Tu bura mat maann bhai...

6. Mai teri Dil Se Izzat Karta hu...

7. Abe bol daal aaj usko, aar yaa paar....

8. Aaj saali Chad nahi rahi hai kya baat hai??

9. Tu Kya samajh raha hai mujhe chad gayi hai...

10. Ye mat samajh ki peeke bol raha hu...

11. Abe yaar kahin kam to nahi padegi itnee...

12. Chhote, Ek Ek Chhota aur ho Jae...lovely waala !!!

13. Baap ko mat Sikhao…

14. Yaar magar tune mera dil tod diya...

15. Kuchh bhi hai par saala Bhai hai Apna...

16. Tu Bolna Bhai, kya chahiye...Jaan chahiye hazir hai ???

17. Abe mere ko aaj tak nahi Chadee...shart laga saala aaj tu..

18. Chal teri baat karata hoon usse, phone number de uska...

19. Saale teri bhabhie hai wo…bhabie ki nazar se dekh usko…

20. Yaar tu samjha kar.. wo tere layak nahi hai…

21. chal bhai tu kah raha hai to tere liye chodh diya usko.. aaj se wo teri…
bana issi baat par ek – ek aur peg !!!

22. Tujhe kya lagta hai chadh gayi hai... abhi ek full aur khatam kar sakta hun…

and the best one...

23. Yaar aaj uski bahut yaad aa rahi hai

And Finally...

Salla... aaj se daru band...............!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

5 Stages of post-breakoff recovery!!!!

"U remember u told me once that there are 5 stages of each relationship...", My friend said...
"Ummm...ya, I remember...", I tried recalling...
"Well, not of a relationship...5 stages to get out of a rel'ship...more precisely we say 'Post-breakoff Recovery' stages", I added...
"U sound like a typical software engineer...", he said...n we started laughing...I hung up the phone after a few mins and came back to room

I put the headphones on and played the first song of my favorite song list...It was "Aaate jaate khoobsurat.......". I decided not to work n just think...Sometimes I want to, intentionally, get back to some memories and feel bad...I felt like goin back to those days when I used to sound like my friend...."Post-breakoff recovery period" in my language...

How pathetic I was when I was moanin over my lost love...I developed the capability to cry college's computer lab in front of my Pc, canteen, classroom, while goin to college, on the way back to my home, in front of the mirror while looking at myself, in my room, on the dining table, while watching television... while listening to some song associated with her or her memories, in bathroom, terrace, on phone...I mean N number of places were there....I used to look at myself...pity myself n look at my helpless ex-pressions n then cry...I always thought that I can't live without her...It was really hard to imagine my life without her...I wanted to breathe but somethin was suffocating inside me...and then I drew a conclusion that I just can't survive without my first love...n its impossible to live without she being there for me....

Situations then improved a lil bit...that "Anytime....anywhere" changed into " some places". I still used to cry...but only when someone asked about her...or somethin related to her...Whenever somethin took me to her memories....then I cried...n cried a lot...That time I was trying to make myself believe that she is not there and won't come back....n I should try n live without her...but I was firm on my deicison of being single...Yes, I used to say those typical hindi movie dialogues -- "Now I won't fall in love again...I just can't...she was the one for first love was my last I can't imagine myself with neone else...blah...blah...."

Time passed...I tried hard and learnt to live without her...I started smiling now...I started concentrating on my studies...Best part was that now I cud think of other things also....I again started goin out with friends...though I still used to feel that pinch...but I was much better....I stopped crying over the lost love...A new conclusion was drawn......she was not my someone special...It was a mistake..... (but whose mistake .. mine no.. her .. not at all)

Finally after two years of self-analysis and after two years of fighting session with my own feelings and emotions, I realized that I've stopped feeling anythin for bad feelings for frustration...nothin...
Neutral...ya, this is the right word...just "Neutral"...It was like any other experience of life...What I cud recall was that it was a bad experience....that is it...I mean at some point of time u reach a state where u feel bad just because u shud....May be this was the reason I decided to move on with my life....I recollected the pieces of my shattered dreams and started building a new one....Yes, I made myself believe that this is not the end and that it is okay to fall in love all over again...n that there is someone for me....n I'll find her.. one day...

And now.....if I think about my sufferings...the time when I felt suffocated to the extent of dying...when I used to cry for a person who just forgot me as if I had no existence....moaning for someone who cud think of a life without me....n who was the one to take this decision...then it simply brings a smile on my face that I cud be so cuds he do this....n how cud cud I cry for her...Yes it hurts...I know it hurts....but u r the one to decide the intensity of the pain u shud feel...n if u don't have any control over it, u can only smile on urself after a few years....the way I do...One shud have that sense of maturity to decide if at all is it worth to cry over the relationship u lost...Well neways....So, after goin thru all this, I, finally came to a conclusion that each of us undergo these stages after a break off...whether he/she agrees to this or not...Yes, I can say that there are 5 stages u go thru after the break off...before u finally come out of the rel'ship completely...

1. You'll feel intense if u're dying...n u won't see any solution to this other than cryin over it...
2. You still feel the pain but a lil less than before....but u're at least able to breathe now....
3. You feel better with a lil pinching pain in ur heart suddenly remember that there are other ppl in ur life...n u used to have a few ambitions or dreams in ur life...what abt giving due consideration to them?
4. You just remember that person's name and that u ppl were close at now...u just have to prefix an "ex" before it...n u don't feel any problem in doin the same...Ya, may be it wud have been better to be with him/her for rest of ur life but THATS OKAY!!! Lets Move on!!!
5. You have now developed that resistance can even smile over take it as any other experience in life...n u just don't feel anythin abt it...I mean abt the person(not the rel'ship)...."Anything" means "Absolutely Nothing!!!"

Ppl may disagree with what I said...everyone has his/her own perceptions....but u know what...u may change the language but order of execution will remain same...n everyone has to go thru all these stages...knowingly  or unknowingly....This is what I call  "5 stages of Post-breakoff recovery" in my language....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another chapter closes... Good Bye DADA :(

Sourav ganguly: GOD of OFF SIDE

Sourav Ganguly walked off into the sunset on Monday after more than a decade in international cricket. His last Test innings may have ended with a duck, a la Sir Don Bradman. But in a career marked by many a controversy, he will be remembered as a captain and a batsman extraordinaire. A tribute to one of India’s most charismatic cricketers.
Some felt he couldn't play the bouncer, others swore that he was God on the off-side; some laughed at his lack of athleticism, others took immense pride in his ability to galvanise a side. Sourav Ganguly's ability to polarise opinion led to one of the most fascinating dramas in Indian cricket. Yet, nobody can dispute that he was India's most successful Test captain - forging a winning unit from a bunch of talented, but directionless, individuals - and nobody can argue about him being one of the greatest one-day batsmen of all time.
Gangles was fun. Every now and then a fellow feels like tearing off his shirt and waving it around like Mick Jagger with a microphone. Of all places, Sourav Ganguly responded to the urge at Lord's, holiest of cricketing holies. So much for decorum. He might as well have burped in St Paul's. Every now and then a fellow feels an insult coming on. Ganguly was rude to Steve Waugh, captain of all Australia, the mightiest foe of them all. So much for deference.

Adios to ganguly.... The nation will always cherish your memories..... 

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thats Why i didn't fall in love.....

Classic LOVE STORIES of my era...


in the end both died.


LEONARDO DICAPRIO dies due to cold water


Aamir commits suicide as Juhi dies of a gun both dies..

and my friends asks me "
Dheeraj, WHY DONT YOU FALL IN LOVE". Strange na...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Don't lose hope is the moral of the story

Something instant Socha tha bahut age badhunga

Bahut kuch karunga

Par itne traffic signal hain har mor par

Ki kya aage badhunga or kya karunga

Phir sochta hun jab signal aye

To thora aaram karlun

Uske baad ki 100 ki speed ke liye energy bharlun

Aise bhi chalti hai zindagi to chal jaye

Ruk ruk kar hi sahi aage barne ko to mil jaye

papa kehte hai chahe jo bhi ho aage badho

Situation kitni bhi against ho, jo ban pare woh karo

Na ummeed hona maine tumhe sikhaya nahin

Nirash kal ka sapna maine tumhe dikhaya nahi

Isliye Itni khuli rahein bhi mil jayein to samjo treat hai

Tumse kabil bhi bahut aise hain, jinke naseeb mein sirf street hain

Kyonki mujhe bhi ummeed ko zinda rakhne ki lust hain

To isliye aage barne ki koshish karna to must hain

So getting back to the hope which is

Kabhi to hum par bhi nazar jayegi

Kamyabi ki raah humein khud hi kheechkar le jayegi

Aisa din bhi ayega ki jo kehtein hai ki tum kuch bhi nahin

Wohi kahenge ¨Dheeraj tumhare siwa aur koi bhi nahin!!!! aur koi bhi nahin"

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Beginning of End of an Era :(

I was writing a post on some other topic when I read the news on Rediff that Saurav Ganguly announces his retirement. We all knew that this was coming sooner or later. He was the one with the highest risk of having his career being ended with being dropped from test team one day or the other but when the decision finally came from him, it still hurt. Though, he did himself a favour by doing so saving himself from the shame of being dropped forever from the team.

Without any shade of doubt Ganguly will go down in the history of Indian cricket as the player most hated as well as most loved. i am great admirer of him. Statistics will show that he is the most successful Indian captain though they will also show that most of these victories came because of the fabulous performance of other players but the one thing which any statistics will ever be able to bring out is the charm of Ganguly, the leader. His was not the charm in usual sense, seeing him on the ground would not make you go "ahh" nor was he a very good statesman of the game but he put a charm on the other players of the team and made them perform, made them stand up, made them competitive an opposition which other teams started fearing, gone were the days when India was termed as the lions in their home. For this, I as a fan of Indian cricket salute him for all the moments of joy he brought to us.

Ofcourse he was a batsmen of the highest class, one you would struggle to find for decades. No Indian cricket fan will ever forget all those huge sixes he hit against the spinners, one of the best shot I have seen in the 12 years I have watched cricket and ofcourse his trademark exquisite off-side drives with "God of Off side" written all over them.

I was always huge a fan of Ganguly the player for the last few years coz of his temperament and aggression and i put him high above in anybody's good books is the way he made a comeback after being dropped from the squad after the "Chappel saga". He was down and out and nobody gave him any chance but he did make a comeback and what a fabulous last 1 year it has been for him. You just name any one player who has made a comeback after 2 years and able to succeed at the age of 30+..

This is a line from an article in cricinfo which can do some justice to him…

"When Tendulkar stood on tiptoe to drive, as if God had him by the collar, or Sourav Ganguly hit an off-side drive with such style he might well have been wearing a tuxedo, life somehow got better."

I don't think anybody will ever forget

The inning against Pakistan in Independence Cup when he helped India score 316

The t-shirt which was flared after the Natwest Series final

The inning of 183 against Sri Lanka in Taunton in the World Cup

The gritting 144 in Brisbane in the first test of 2003-04 series

and last but above all these lines.. a Great great Comeback.

All the times when gave tit for tat to each and every player who dared meddle with him.

Here's to Dada who brought a lot of those happy moments which made our lives much better. Thanks for putting a smile on our faces so many times. Hoping he has the last hurrah and ends this illustrious career on a high note!!

His retirement has started the process which though necessary but was one which all of us dreaded. This is the "Beginning of the END, of an ERA". An era of glory & beauty of cricket, an era of the champions. Era of the Fab Five

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Too Funnny .. :) Don't be such a Silly a**

This is wat i found at one forum.... look at the guy n his kid ... lolzz..... :)

I couldnt stop laughing for half an hour

My 1st Topic starts with a Lill' bit of fUn

This is What happens when desi returns from Abroad!!

21. Tries to use Credit Card in road side Hotel.

20. Drinks and carries Mineral Water and always speaks of Health. (proving to be very health conscious).

19. Sprays DEO such so that he doesn't need to take bath.

18. Sneezes and says 'Excuse me'.

17. Says "Hey" instead of "Hi".

Says "Yogurt" instead of "Curds".

Says "Cab" instead of "Taxi".

Says "Candy" instead of "Chocolate".

Says "Cookie" instead of "Biscuit".

Says "Free Way" instead of "Highway".

Says "Got To Go" instead of "Have To Go".

Says "Oh" instead of "Zero", (for 704, says Seven Oh Four Instead of Seven Zero Four) =))

16. Doesn't forget to crib about air pollution. Keeps cribbing every time he steps out.

15. Says all the distances in Miles (Not in KiloMeters), and counts in Millions.(Not in Lakhs)

14. Tries to figure all the prices in Dollars as far as possible (but deep down the heart multiplies by 43 times).

13. Tries to see the % of fat on the cover of a milk pocket.

12. When need to say Z (zed), never says Z (Zed), repeats "Zee" several times, if the other person unable to get, then says X, Y, Zee (but never says Zed).

11. Writes date as MM/DD/YYYY & on watching traditional DD/MM/YYYY, says "Oh! British Style!!!!"

10. Makes fun of Indian Standard Time and Indian Road Conditions.

9. Even after 2 months, complaints about "Jet Lag".

8. Avoids eating more chili (hot) stuff.

7. Tries to drink "Diet Coke", instead of Normal Coke.

6. Tries to complain about any thing in India as if he is experiencing it for the first time.

5. Pronounces "schedule" as "skejule", and "module" as "Mojule".

4. Looks suspiciously towards Hotel/Dhaba food.

Few more important stuffs:-

3. From the luggage bag, does not remove the stickers of Airways by which he traveled back to India, even after 4 months of arrival.

2. Takes the cabin luggage bag to short visits in India, tries to roll the bag on Indian Roads.

And The Ultimate One:-

Tries to begin conversation with "In US ...." or "When I was in US..."

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Last Page of the Notebook

Whenever any thought came into my mind,
I wrote it on the Last page of my notebook.

Whenever the lectures were boring,
I played games, used to draw pictures
on the Last page of my notebook.

When I was angry with anyone and wanted to flood my anger,
I used the Last page of my notebook.

When I discovered I was in love with her,
I sheared my thoughts with the Last page of my notebook.

When I was really wrong,and I wanted to confess it to someone,
I told about it to Last page of my notebook.

When i wanted not to forget some points taught by my teacher,
i discussed it with Last page of my notebook.

Still many things Are there to be written
on the Last page of my notebook.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

College life Vs Professional Life

Searching Our Life inside IT Campus is Not Real Life......
LAST 1 Year in Chennai
Oasis to Mirage

I would like to express my transition from real freedom to assumed freedom. I am here talking about my transition from my college to the booming IT industry. I would like to pour my one year experience of the so called glamorous and fun filled IT industry.

We used to wander those spacious heat filled open grounds and dirty class rooms with just 50Rs. in pocket and plan the whole week with that budget. But now we wander along the well cleaned, fully air-conditioned corridors with about five to six credit cards in our pocket planning where to swipe the cards. Credit cards eagerly waiting to eat next month's salary. I can't believe that it was just one year before that the 50Rs. seemed to be lacks now, lacks seems to be nothing.

College canteen, Tea shops were the favorite hot spots where we spent hours together, having a hearty chat with our buddies forgetting the whole world. But now Cafe Day, Quickies, Baristas have taken those places. What a coffee cost 2.5Rs last year has now gone up to 50Rs a cup.

Those precious days where we used to laugh for nothing, while chatting or while playing or even when you fail in your paper because you have got 30 marks for a empty paper. But now you rarely smile except the smile for the forward you just received or the smile to your PM to impress him.

Hate ness and Ego were the words you haven't heard in those days. You smash or hit your friend for some reason and the next moment you walk along him with hands on his shoulders. But now you doesn't like the guy sitting beside you because he's getting a salary 10k greater that you or he's always being appreciated by your PM. True friends are hard to find here

In college if some one is talking badly about your college you can find your blood boiling inside even though you don't like your principal. But here loyalty is the lost word, whenever someone is talking badly about your company you join them to criticize your company. You join the company with the resignation day in the mind, is this loyalty. Don't mind I have also planned my resignation date.

You have seen the late nights only on the eve of the exam, where you rely on your friend to wake him/ her at night 1 or 2. And how can we forget those last minute tensions in exam, you remember that only just before entering the exam you find that you have forgotten to revise a important question that your friend suggested that it will surely appear on this exam. You rush back and flip those Xeroxed pages with tension. But today you work at least 2 days a week till 1 or 2 in the night to deliver something to your unknown client who is at US or UK. You are aimlessly typing at the useless word document that your PM asked you to finish with his tailor made smile. Loads of tension with calls from home, with your eye lids eager to kiss each other and you promise them to allow it a little later, cursing Bill Gates for inventing MSWord.

Writing all these to celebrate my first anniversary at this field. It seems I have been in my own desert where I have realized that I am moving from the warmthness of the Oasis to chase a mirage. A mirage that promises a lot of thing, but still its just a mirage. When I turn back I can find thousands chasing that mirage with a ID card around their neck. I wish all the best for them.

Dheeraj Kumar

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Life is Beautiful...

Today morning it was a pleasant feeling altogether....
no reasons for i had a good sleep i was feeling good..

when i left my home for office, first thing i saw was a small kid with his father going to his school (kindergarden)..
what a time it was?.. time of our innocence...time when we started facing new world apart from our people ,new place, new things...

then as i moved further i saw school boys and gals going out for a scout...
its that period when we make friends,know how to live in a society and how to work for the benefit of it...we get first taste of tension during our exams and results...sometimes we see sucesss and sometimes failure....we get introduced to sports...we fall...we break ...but we would never stop..

walking along with them ( scouts) i realised how quickly i reached station....
when i got down at station ( Greenways Road) i saw some college guys doing fun masti...

teenage is that period when we explore our world on our own principles...period when we feel we are more smarter then our parents.. we love to disobey them..but also go to them when we are in trouble..then we feel our parents are more or less right....but still continue to make wrong decisions..its not that we dont know...its just for be cool in crowd....get crushes..... broken heart...valentines day more important than independence day ( dats because all days for us then are independence day)..

i reached my office..there i saw people on computer...on meetings...
age of reaponsibilty.....age of earning bread and butter...we know our parents are getting older....we become serious...more focused..want time for entertainment as life itself becomes one.....
i had many people around me when i left my home till i reached my office...but i cudnt see i couldnt relate my life with them....
maybe in few decades i will.....
till then..


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Some Questions and their answers :)

Some Questions

Well... Someone send me the list of questions.... Lots of questions here and I'm only happy to answer :D

1. Last Movie You Saw In A Theater:

Theatre? Well last one was Sarkar Raj starring Amitabh,Abhishek and Aishwarya.

2. What Book Are You Reading:

'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus' by John Gray.

Last Read:'The three mistakes of my Life' by Chetan Bhagat. I just finished this book.

3. Favorite Board Game:

Carom Board . Be it on board , I love playing that game. Yah sometimes Cards.

4. Favorite Magazine:

My friend and I used to read 'India Today' a lot after my 10th board exams. I don't read those kinda magazines now. I don't hang around with that friend either. :)

5. Favorite Smells:

Old Spice and other after-shaves, shaving cream, Denim (the deo), paints, kerosene, shoe polish.. that kinda stuff.

6. Favorite Sound:

Airtel Tone by A.R Rehman... From the last 5 years I am using that tone .. and still enjoying :)

7. Worst Feeling In The World:

Being unwanted, losing someone/something precious.

8. What Is The First Thing You Think Of When You Wake Up?

Time Kya hua hai re... Uffff ye Office...

9. Favorite Fast Food Place:

Mc Donald's.

10. Future Child's Name:

:D There are some names I really like. By the time I have a child, I'm sure I'll be bored of them though. The first name that I ever liked was Nikhil. I was in the 5th std. when mom read an article to me about a brave little 6 year old Nikhil escaping from his kidnappers. I decided that day that I'd name my son Nikhil. fifth grade I was in! :) hehe

Other names I like.. , Shashank,Vikas, Archana, Arpita,Aditi(this one is cute) umm.. will let you all know when I name my child :)

11. Finish This Statement. "If I Had A Lot Of Money I'd...”:

Invest. Maybe I'll also buy a house for myself to keep all my books. Mom very irritated that I don't give/throw/sell away even my notebooks, let alone printed notes of classes. Ghar par 2 self's only for books. hehe Hey I understand things better from my notebooks. Text books have too much info. That I'll need only later. I may. Later...

12. Do You Drive Fast?

Not yet.

13. Do You Sleep With A Stuffed Animal?

No. I make do with a pillow. I'm scared of stuffed animals..

14. Storms-Cool Or Scary?

Scary, yet cool :)

15. What Was Your First Car?

Mclaren in NFS 2... hehe

16. Favourite drink:

Apple juice. Anyday. Anytime. Second preference - mango milkshake.

17. Finish This Statement, "If I Had The Time I Would .....”

...learn to play the violin, Guitar.


18. If You Could Dye Your Hair Any Color, What Would Be Your Choice?

Blue. Mandrake and Narda had blue shades. Mast lagega na ...

19. Name All The Different Cities/Towns You Have Lived In:

Hmmm.. Baliyali... Bhiwani.. Bahadurgarh..... bahal,..... New Delhi... bangalore and now I am in Chennai.... bahut ho gaye yaar ye toh..... :)

20. Favorite Sports To Watch:

cricket, football, lawn tennis and Hockey.

21. One Nice Thing About The Person Who Sent This To You:

She's cute. Only one nice thing? Naah.. She's a good stress reliever, fun to talk to, easy to mingle with:)

22. What's Under Your Bed?

My shoes. Yeah, I keep it under the bed in my room. Kabhi kabhi ants bhi aa jaati hai.,... hehe

23. Would You Like To Be Born As Yourself Again?

Yes. But I'd like to be born when India was in 1200 BC Or else, I'd like to be born Antarctica . Oh don't gimme those stares.. I have my reasons for saying that.

24. Morning Person Or Night Owl?

Morning owl. I sleep too much these days.

25. Over Easy Or Sunny Side Up?

What do you mean by 'over easy'? Sunny side up.. yup.. I'm almost always cheerful and energetic when I'm out of my home. At home, my focus is on the bed.

26. Favorite Place To Relax:

My bed.

27. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:

Butterscotch, vanilla . In that order.

28. Well you will send to to all your friend list.. Who will reply you First:?

None of the people I am going to send it.

*My room mates and I have Juice almost every night after dinner from the thiruvanmyur Shop. Yesterday, we did not go. Now, I have a cold. Because I did not have Juice? hehehehe...*

Friday, May 30, 2008

Ladkiyaan :)

The most loving relation every person has in his life are girls be it a mother, a sister or spouse everybody would agree with me that the warmth which u feel when being hugged by mom is much greater than that of dad….Dads have their way of showing their love but it is Mother who wins when it comes to preferring one parent. I can still remember the days of my childhood when i was in 2nd or 3rd standards and my parents used to ask me something like “Tujhe mummy aur papa mein se kon sa aacha lagta hai” Just for fun(Maze maze ke liye bechare bachhe ko dharm sankat mein dalte the… ) In front of both of them i never preferred anyone of them and always said “hmmmm..... mujhko dono aache lagte hai... ”(Diplomatic me ;) ) but as soon as my dad would go i would tell my mom in her ears “aap jayada aachi lagti ho... ”…. From that time to this time i hav always been fascinate by the basic nature of the womankind…

Uske bina ek pal reh na sakoge tum…
Usko pata hai ye keh na sakoge tum…
Isliye ladkiyan ladkon si nahin hoteen..

I think all people might remember these line from the movie.. HUM-TUM..... and in my opinion .. ye sab kuch sach bhi hai....

Women are priceless
Without women
Life will be without spice
Simply lifeless

So always respect woman... (women bahut khush hongi na.... ruk jao.... abhi agli post mein iss se ulta likhunga... ;))

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Family, Bachpan aur woh mastiiii

Chasing all those high dreams and thinking about life, we tend to forget about the little moments in life which are the kernel(base) of all the happiness in our life's which are just hidden away the many layers of artificial smiling and all the sadness which we encounter in our life.

Sometimes we just need to take out those moments from the ruthless library of time and wipe the dirt accumulated on the face of them and again renew them and try to live those moments once again for you, for the contentment of your soul. The world just keeps growing tougher and rougher as you keep growing. Life just doesn't ease off and when we learn to cherish what we had, then only we learn to live the life and then only can we be sure of having an elixir of happiness.

Two days back was sitting on marina beach and I called my cousin sister and started to talk about the stories of our childhood and all the fun we have had in those times and to that talk these happy memories have been roaming in my mind for quite a few days so thought of writing them.

That time made me remember about all the fun i had with my cousins when we were quite young. I will always remember the times we spent together at our house(Yes we are a joint family) Those 5-6 years when i was in classes 5th to 10th are just memorable. All those images of all of us sitting for lunch in a row... (we were total 10 yeah 10) and eating from one plate. then sometimes playing Lukka chuppi, which i can term as one of the best games i played due to fun and frolic associated with it. I can still remember the joy and happines.. when we used to play pillow fighting... :) . This time when i went home and met her we laughed about that fight we had. We just used to have so much of fun. What about Cricket BOSS.. well our home is so big .. once we were playing cricket in our home and then Hitesh hitted ... “CHATAK”.. the glass broke down... other day again someone slammed.. and our neighbor aunty fell down.. they had to rush to the hospital... but we kept contuing playing cricket and broken many glasses, bulbs and ofcourse people's body parts... hehe well my mom was also the victim of our cricket gardi. :) Another time i can remember is when two of my cousins came to our home. We used to go to market and bring paanipuri... Dahi bhale.. and ofcourse chowmin... how can we forgot about the faluda with kulfi... yummmyy... … I know these things can sound idiotic and chidish to other people but thats what we did and these are the things which i cherish and want to do them, just that can’t think of doing them again and enjoying them as much as we used to do them. Can’t just forget those times when the all of us sat and bitching about our parents… how much they force us to study, how much control they keep on us just can’t resist a smile coming to my face when i remember those days. There are innumerable times like this which will remian etched in my memory forever like the time we had in our eldest cousin hitesh's wedding. Sorry bhaiya .. I couldn't came to your marriage really sorry for this... but will meet u and bhabi ji soon....... We will have a blast… :)

Dedicated to all my cousins with whom i have loads of fun and have a spent such a great time and specially to you baby bua ji... coz jab aap aate the tab thoda relax milta tha humein... apne parents se.. hehe, hope you read this sometime, Luv u didi… One thing i need to say ‘ Family is Family’

Koi lauta do woh bachpan ki masti.... woh bachpan ki yaadein aur woh baarish ka paani... :(

Monday, May 5, 2008

My Train Yatra.......

My Train Journey

hello bhai logs..... welcome once again to my blog, so aap
sab kajayada samay na lete hue me kaam bhi baat par aata
huin seedha.... (ulta kaise aate hai be..;))

ab sabse pehle me bata du ki .. I was coming from my
home Delhi to Chennai..... in Tamilnadu Express on
12th of april....

1) Mummy Daddy Families.. - These families will screwed
ur mind with in a second in a train compartment. Imagine
yourself sitting on the window seat watching beautiful
sceneries outside...sometimes... turning pages of your
book.. seeing the latest gadgets .. then suddenly

"O bhaiya!! aapka seat number kaun saa hai??" A middle
aged person asked. Following him is his family with
chunnu and his fatty mummy.

You try your best to sound polite "Bhaai saab 25 number
seat meri hai, khidki waali "

"Paaaapppppaa mekko window waali seat chahiyyyyye!!
uwaaaaa....!! mekko chahiiiyeee..." chunnu bursts out..

"Abhi dilaate hai betaa...,Excuse me bhaaisab baache
ke liye thoda adjust kar lijiye!!" and you look at
the little moron(chunnu) while gritting your teeth.

Then comes the "luggage management" part. The family
seems to have brought their town's luggage, and then
start gossiping aray ye suitcase kaha rakhe ... uff
aur ye bag.. aur ye balti....... Ohhh God.... and
my small bag will look like Darsheel Safary between sanjay dutt
and Salman Khan..

Himesh reshammiya and compartment me familiyaa unbearable hai dost!!

There will be at least an army of relatives on the
platform who would have come to see off their
"bhabi ji" and "agra waali bua ji".

Ufff bhGWAN BACHAYE BHAI................
ye toh kuch bhi nhi bhaii logo.. when I entered in
toilet .. on the front wall of toilet its written...

Tumhara Sallu

like he is living in this belief that .... sunita might
not go anywhere but will definitely come in this toilet
to listen to your heart.....

and some philosophical as in "Ek aadmi ke hote
hai 2 mouth , ek to hota hai north aur ek south"and
some cheesy lines like .."Boond Boond se saagar bharta
hai, apni boonde apne pass rakhiye" , the
"chaiiiiiii...bhains ki doodh ki chaai", the wait
listed passengers clutching on to their tickets
sandwiched between two hundred rupees notes waiting for the
TT sahab,.. and a lot more .

During this train journey almost 35 hours of train ride,
i have finished 3 books! One book is 60 Greatest heros of
INDIA... it was INDIA TODAY edition. From this book I have
learnt about our national heros ,our scientist and ..
bhagat singh... some things about their personal life... .
. Of course they were just amazing.

Then during lunch time... one caterer came and he was
asking “Bhaiya mera sambhar kaha hai”..(Where is my
sambhar(food)).i was shocked to hear this ... what
this guy is asking about.. then simply I said...
“Bhaiya who toh me pii gaya”(brother that I taken)
now he was Shocked like Center shock chewing gum....
and said..”Bhaiya 42 packet sambhar pii gaye ”
(BOSS THERE WERE TOTAL 42 Packets) ... I said me
and my 2 friends has taken. then he said bhaiya
kaha se ho....(from where u are).. I replied bhai
HARYANA se.... then he said bhaiya phir toh pii liye
honge....(then u may have taken BOSS) coz haryana is
known for its foody people... (abay mere ko kyun ghur
raha hai be... kuch exceptions bhi hoti hai duniya me .
.. abay phir ghur raha beta tu
peeche waali gali mein).......... then another person
came told to that person.. bhaiya kyun jhagda kar
rahe ho... who toh aap picle dibbe mein rakh aaye the.... hehe lol...

so there were many incidents and haadsaas happen
wid me in my train journey.... but all were amazing
like .. selling water bottle... reading books etc....
but over all... its was good journey... :) :)


Friday, May 2, 2008


After a long long time I was back to home…..very happy…very satisfied….longing for the best food of life……for sitting with my brothers and gossiping for hours…… for launging on the floor and watch TV…..

Monday afternoon lunch….it was 3 o’clock. I was browsing through the channels holding a spoon in the other hand, when my mother came and asked for pressing 12……and I did so. Any guesses what was there on STAR-PLUS that time???????......last Thrusday repeat of KYUNKI SAAS….my foot ewwwwwwwwwwwww ..A continuous and disturbing sound of drums and cymbals…..while the camera focuses on each character from different directions…each shot in color and in black and white as well….….and then freezes on the Hero/Heroin of the event (five minutes for such a small scene :(

I looked around in disgust gritting my teeth and thought….nothing has changed(except for the number of characters)…. My brother entered and saw my annoyed face…..laughed…and started teasing me by explaining what was going on in KYUNKI…like bhai ""tujhe batau kya hua ab tak.....""

I burst into a laughter and asked whether all other “programs” (god knows how do they call them one) were similarly terrible. “Yes”, he said.” But Thank God mumma going outside …TV is free for us in the evening….

Its really very difficult (nearly impossible) to justify whatever happens in any Ms.Kapoor’s family soap. And its even harder to understand how and what the lady thinks…because her small screen and big screen (Kya Kool Hai Hum) are far beyond comparison…….

She began the plethora, but now its not only her…..any serial starting with non-K letter is also the same. All moving around big families (all talk in crores),marriages, divorce, then again marriages, accidents, court cases, plastic surgery…yuck!! . The terror goes behind the screens also when….somebody married three times and never divorced grabs the Best Patni Award …..

You just don’t have to move anywhere. After one is over, you have precap of the same and then a flash for the third serial and a moment later recap of the second one. Gone are the days of the title song. They are still made but for the albums….huh…what to say more!!!

Anyways….when a lot of transformational and unusual things are happening in India…be it in Entertainment…Yoga…or….Education!!...the human nature then is unpredictable. May be it was the first time such a large amount of entertainment started and then viewers became trapped in. Now the inertia is so high that they just don’t think of any refreshing change.

One good thing is …all oldies have also got a best pass time at home :)

Monday, April 28, 2008

I, ME, MINE?????

I, Me, Mine! Why?

My friend always told-"there is just a hairline difference between a genius and a mad" and both of them actually never realized that they were one of these. The best part is that all others out their thought themselves either to be a genius or a mad. Now if they really realize that they are either of these then I bet they are actually nothing.

I am writing this because I was totally annoyed by somebody today who is very close in relation to me and it was really difficult for me to digest if not impossible. These thoughts are not something which I am planning and writing but straight out from bottom of my heart. I am just putting these out here only because I did not want any cracks in relation I share by directly saying him back on his face but I still want to put them out and wanna feel relax.

Why people think they are smarter than what actually they are? Why is that they always tend to under estimate others? If some of us try to be soft in our act does that mean we dont understand the other person's intentions?(it happen to me) Why is that they take us for granted all the time only because we dont aggressively answer???????

People never try to look at there back. I know its highly impossible to actually view our back but that does not mean it cant be seen by others. When we see ourself ahead of others or when we try to stand infront of others why do we forget that everybody behind us can clearly see our back.

We often forget that none of us are perfect. It is very true according to me that if we think we are smarter than anybody else around us, then we are the most foolish among them.But its not a big deal, we know-to err is human. In the same way, even a fool of the foolest can act intelligently some times.

The conclusion is that- why develop superiority or inferiority complex in us? Why under estimate others when you actually don't know what they are? Why keep indulging ourselves in simply unwanted things by hurting others only because we want to boost our ego?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


pichle kuchh saal se mai kaha hu nahi pata,

samay jane kaise gujra mujhe nahi pata,

kaise jiya hoon mai nahi pata,

ab kaha hoon mai nahi pata.

khoj mai hoon fursat ki,

milta nahi hai kuchh bhi,

bas need hai aur mai hoon nahi pata,

jagana kaha hai, aab ghoomna kaha hai

bas bethna hai, khade rahna hai,

aab daudna kaha hai,

sambhlna hai, sambhalna hai

aab bahekana kaha hai,

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

One of the bestest holis... i ever played..... ;)

Holi hai bhai Holi hai...
well.. holiiiiiiii haiiiiiiii......... errr.. i

was so iss baar holi Chennai mein
manani padegi...... but... see pictures...
totally enjoyed man totally enjoyed......

"Dil garden garden ho gaya"

(Bhai bade din ho gaye apne blog mein kuch
likhe hue so ye lo april fool ke din meri nayi
post for all..Fools... (oye ye flower wala fool
hai samjhe...)
(i know all are thinking mil beta tu ek baar.. ;))

All those people who understood the pun in
the previous sentence and smiled,
thank you very much!!

Holi was fun. The fact that there's no TNS
(tamilnadu navnirman sena)
here in Chennai,
we celebrated holi peacefully (?).

We all looked like distant cousins of Vinod kambli after
a kabaddi match.photu mein dekh lo kaise lag rahe hai..
..We got up early in the morning at exact 9.00..
(Gurr abay saale 9 baje bhi early hoti hai kya...)
after that searched for colours in chennai... but
all in vain... abay kuch bhi nhi mila.... saara
chennai chaan mara... well seen one gang on Chennai
thiruvanmyur beach full of colours,,
laga ki haan thodi holi toh yaha bhi khelte
hai log.... Holi is the festival when the 'colored'
people are the celebrated
ones. Are u listening Shaktiman... .

And time for some Holi things that make it what it is:-
* "Rang barse / holi khele raghubeera.." played...
* Holi hai....(koi 1000 times hum logo ne kaha hoga)

* We were on sea shore... so Full of water,,..
no water problem this time in chennai... lol,

* Bald uncles cackling loudly ,
high on bhang/daaru.

Well .. when we were returning home...
people were gaging .. (like we have done some
unextemptable sin)coz we all were wet... Full of
colours...(logo ne samja saalo ko kisi ne
muh kala kar ke gadhe par ghumaya hai ;) hehe)

The grand bath where the operation
discoloration takes place, with ideas ranging from-

1. Spending the afternoon inside the
washingmachine holding a 2 Kg surf
excel/RIN ka packet ,

2. kisi ko pakad kar saath nehlao ..
woh aapka rang utarega aur aap uska...
ek haath de doosre haath le.. aur kya

3. Chupchaap Saabun lagaao aur kya!!
Aur Kitne tareeke chahiye bey.

Aaj hamare varma ji apne ghar se vapas
tashrif laaye hai...(my room mate amit kumar verma
... apne ghar gaya tha Gf se milne ..
. eeeeee sorry typing mistake... ghar gaya tha
apni family se milne.. )..As he entered in bathroom...
his first word was...Behan****.(ohh hthoda valgar ho gaya
par chalta hai)..
. saala ye kya haal kar rakha hai mere baathroom ka...
.. any how.. Holi was awesome......

played holi till 2.00... coz movie tickets for
RACE were booked... but enjoyed holi as lot this
time.... Still having colours on my body...
(abay naha liya kar be... saalanahayega nhi toh colour
toh rahega hi na)...So here im logging Off...

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