Monday, February 2, 2009

Tough Times

Tough Times - is another post of mine, which I created unintentionally. One fine morning, i reached office, and just typed, and it Opened! So, without thinking another thought, i have written this post of mine - with no particular thoughts to blog about right now, however, while giving a name to my post, i had the feelings and the spoke - Tough, so I named it - The Tough Times.

Yup, sometimes I feel, this is the toughest phase of my Life so far. And I guess I will write about all that in this Blog of mine. I am not sweet (not as much as I used to be earlier) any more, I am not feeling 'I am happy' always, I don't smile much - coz there are other things preoccupied in my mind - which I just can't ignore - I Have to spend time for all that, hence ... ya, this is The toughest time of my Life so far.

And the one thing that I am doing more often these days, which has been told to me by my friends Not to do - is - keeping people away from me, no associations, no new ones at least. Can't help listening to the inner voice - the deepest feeling that speaks always. And I am sure I am not hurting anybody that ways. They say - when you have tough times, move on, chill out, make friends, .... and i say - then what? Well, when I have tough times, I am more peaceful keeping quiet, spending time relaxing - in my own ways, and then - may be calling up friends - share some jokes :-)

And btw, I learnt two terms - that are unnecessarily overused in the corporate world - "grab opportunity", "take initiative". These phrases sound Gr8, lot of times, but the fact is that - its usage is not necessary at all times, and need not be used while motivating anyone. Lack of vocabulary, and lack of proper communication skills are the drivers for the usage, which is not appropriate. Really its true

Yes, i have started something. Something that I never did, I am doing now. To err is human, afterall ;)

Ok, got some work now, lemme finish them first.

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