Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Kisi ki aankhon ka sitara hoga
एक दिन आएगा कि कोई शक्स हमारा होगा
कोई जहाँ मेरे लिए मोती भरी सीपियाँ चुनता होगा
वो किसी और दुनिया का किनारा होगा
काम मुश्किल है मगर जीत ही लूँगा किसी दिल कों
मेरे खुदा का अगर ज़रा भी सहारा होगा
किसी के होने पर मेरी साँसे चलेगीं
कोई तो होगा जिसके बिना ना मेरा गुज़ारा होगा
देखो ये अचानक ऊजाला हो चला,
दिल कहता है कि शायद किसी ने धीमे से मेरा नाम पुकारा होगा
और यहाँ देखो पानी मे चलता एक अन्जान साया,
शायद किसी ने दूसरे किनारे पर अपना पैर उतारा होगा
कौन रो रहा है रात के सन्नाटे मे
शायद मेरे जैसा तन्हाई का कोई मारा होगा
अब तो बस उसी किसी एक का इन्तज़ार है,
किसी और का ख्याल ना दिल को ग़वारा होगा
ऐ ज़िन्दगी! अब के ना शामिल करना मेरा नाम
ग़र ये खेल ही दोबारा होगा
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Can engineers be 'Touchy feely'?
I remember the incident - I was in a restaurant, and one girl in our group was especially charming. So I, like any other male, tried to put on a wooing act. You know the routine, a nanosecond extra eye contact, a few more nods to whatever she says, and attempts to throw in those one-liners which you know you wouldn't if she weren't there. And it seemed to be working. She leaned forward when she spoke to me, and every now and again, we'd have a small conversation of our own, separate from our group. She laughed at my approach with the fork and knife, and I teased her about her hair band, which had little teddy bears.
Yes, we were flirting. A while later, she asked me the question - what did I study? I said engineering, without any particular meaning attached to it. And then like a cold metal rail, she went stiff. My jokes weren't funny anymore. Her eyes wandered to everyone else.
What was it?
Why? Why? Why?
Two days later, I still couldn't get over my great start that had dissipated listlessly upon mentioning my education. Engineer? What was wrong with that?
My mom had wanted me to become one since I was five! I had to call her. 'So what happened to you that day, hot and cold, missie?' And then she said, trying to be nice, 'Well, it's just that I am skeptical about engineers as friends. I don't know, they can be, you know, very logical and everything. Not very touchy feely'.
Not touchy-feely. Now what the heck did that mean? Well, she obviously did not mean it literally, since girls don't really suggest that sort of stuff, certainly not in the first meeting across the table. I guessed it was something to do with feelings, sort of having an emotional side. The stereotype being, the nerdy guy who sees relationships like laws of physics, to whom love is just a bunch of chemicals going crazy in your brain, and getting to know a person means obtaining their bio-data.
It's time to set the record straight. It's true that a lot of what engineers study (and they end up studying quite a lot), has to do with formulae’s, laws and numbers. No matter how hard we try, some of the vocabulary we read all day gets into our language. So when my mother said, 'Are you getting married next year or not?' I was liable to say, 'Well, at this moment in time, the probability is relatively low,' and felt it was completely normal to say it. And when my sister went sari shopping and couldn't explain the shade she wanted, I told the shopkeeper the percentages of pink, orange and red in the sari.
Yet, ladies, I don't think we're bad at relationships, love and getting to know people. We too, can be touchy-feely, as that is part of our education as well. The reason for this is that most engineering students live in the ultimate educator - boy's hostels.
Now, let me explain how this plays into this 'touchy-feely' thing. Relationships. Imagine eating, sleeping, brushing your teeth, bathing (ok rarely this one) and partying with the same people all the time. So, when you are kicking that bathroom door down for the tenth time, or when you stand in line for 'gulab-jamuns' in the mess, and when you are done with the vodka bottle and sharing all your secrets, you know it is good practice.
Yes, hostels make the man.
So, next time you are in a flirtatious situation with the techno types, go on, flirt a bit more. Of course, I am biased towards my kind, but if you find the conversation turning too geeky, just ask them, 'So, what were your hostel days like?' and chances are, you'll see a heart behind the calculator.
Coming back to my missie, I thought of what would make me win her over. Flowers. too cheesy. Music. don't know her taste (nor trust mine). Teddy bears. don't even go there. Desperate for some good lines, I just turned it right back at her. 'Yes, I know what you are saying about engineers. The thing is, unless people with depth like you start hanging out with us, we won't get any better. Can you meet me some time for some touchy/feely. oops, I mean coffee/tea?'
She giggled. When they giggle, you have won.
Hence proved.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Altruism: A really nice story
A reporter once asked a farmer to divulge the secret behind his corn, which won the state fair contest year after year.
The farmer confessed it was all because he shared his seed with his neighbours.
“Why do you share your best seed corn with your neighbors when you’re entering the same contest each year as well?” asked the reporter.
“Why sir, said the farmer, didn’t you know? The wind picks up pollen from the ripening corn and swirls it from field to field. If my neighbors grew inferior corn, cross-pollination would steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbours do the same”.
This is so true with situations in our lives. Those who want to be successful must help their neighbors, friends, relatives to be successful.
Those who choose to live well must help others live well, for the value of a life is measured by the lives it touches. And those who choose to be happy must help others find happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all.
This story exemplifies “Altruism.”
Meaning of Altruism: ‘Action that benefits another person, including comforting, helping, sharing, rescuing and cooperating. Acts of concern for other people without any hope of reward’.
Hope you liked
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
one of my diary enteries
Hey kittu…
You know what happen today … I am having an interesting stuff to share with you. Well as you know I am in Vapi, at my cousin brother’s place. So we went for a movie “Golmaal Returns”. We mean me, my brother and my bhabi ji. Well, movie was awesome. While coming back from the movie this lovely incident happened. My brother was driving the car and I was on his side. Bhabi ji was sitting at the back. We just came out from the underground car park and were in the queue to go out from the barrier gate. A gal about 5 to 7 feet on my left was on her active vehicle. When I look at girls usually, I don’t look for more than 2 seconds because if she looks at me I feel uncomfortable.
This girl was about 5’3 tall, average body, fair, wearing salwaar kurta and modern but homely but very cute or what to say beautiful. She had a 5% resemblance with my one old friend. So I kept looking at her to figure if I know this girl. You wouldn’t imagine what’s happening right?
Well I was looking to my left and suddenly she turned right and saw me. I felt very embarrassed; I just turned my face straight like a good boy. After 15 seconds again I looked at her. She again saw me again I felt shy and turned straight. This thing happened 3-4 times. My brother and bhabi ji was also watching this comedy and laughing at me. So I told them she is also seeing me so this time I am going to look at her and will not turn straight until she stop seeing me. Again I saw her and she saw me. We were seeing to each other for like 20-30 seconds. OHH MY GAWDDD…. It was so so different. Means I was looking at stranger eyes. I couldn’t take any further I just smiled and turned straight, she too smiled and turned straight. Then the car started to move. I was like I am missing something. We almost went to the barrier gate to leave the theater premises.
I told my brother what a lovely girl she is. I missed her, I told them let me look at her one last time. I turned back and saw her. Well kitty, you wont be believing what she did. She waved her hands from far.
1000 lights in my body. I was so impressed and was flying in the air. I told to my brother, hey bro I want to talk to her just stop the car. Well my bhabi ji said he is flirty guy just don’t stop. And winking at me … I requested bhai please please …. So bro stopped the car, I got down …and I was just standing there doing nothing. She saw me from the far. She also crossed the barrier and came near me and asked what happened. I said just nothing just want to talk to you. She said ok talk. I again felt speech less. Then she laughed and said hey dhiru come on, talk now. I am here. I was shocked how she knows my name. Then I turned back and saw my bhaiya was laughing. She was my old classmate and now she was living near to my bhaiya’s neighborhood. I was so so embarrassed or what to say not able to speak anything. I simply went inside the car and called bhaiya. Come bro lets go home. Bhabi was simply continuously laughing and pinching me hey raja , that girl is cute na , beautiful na. I was feeling so shy I just kept my head on cupboard.
Kitni choti duniya hai na ye … well she came to home in the evening and we talked about our old days. what we talked i will let you know later.... ;)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Mujhe ab Dar Nahi Lagta
किसी के दूर जाने से
रिश्ते टूट जाने से
किसी के मान जाने से
किसी के रूठ जाने से
मुझे अब डर नहीं लगता
किसी को आजमाने से
किसी के आजमाने से
किसी को याद रखने से
किसी को भूल जाने से
मुझे अब डर नहीं लगता
किसी को छोड़ देने से
किसी को छोड़ जाने से
किसी शमा को जलने से
किसी शमा को बुझाने से
मुझे अब डर नहीं लगता
अकेले मुस्कुराने से
कभी आंसू बहाने से
न इस सारे ज़माने से
हकीक़त से फ़साने से
मुझे अब डर नहीं लगता
किसी की नाराज़गी से
किसी की परेशानी से
किसी की बेवफाई से
किसी दुःख इन्तहाई से
मुझे अब डर नहीं लगता
न तो इस पार रहने से
न तो उस पार रहने से
न तो अपनी जिंदगानी से
न तो मौत आने से
Thursday, October 1, 2009
उदासी है कैसी जो छाई हुई है
यहां रूह हर एक सताई हुई है
नही जलते दीपक यहा दिल है जलते
ये बुझते हुए मन नही अब संवरते
ये किस्से किसे कोई जाकर सुनाये
किसे आज फिर ये कहानी बतायें
क्या मरने के दुनिया में कम थे बहाने
चले आज फिर से बम एटम बनाने
कहां खो गये है जहां के सयाने
कहां सो गये है अमन के दीवाने
कहीं कोई गांधी क्यों पैदा ना होता
यहां बुद्ध-नानक का सौदा है होता
हे इंसा के दुश्मन जरा होश में आ
ओ हैवानियत तू न अब जोश में आ
चलो मिल के दुनिया को जन्नत बना दें
फिर अपने दिलों में मुहब्बत बसा लें ।
Dheeraj Kumar
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
An essay on Flyover. on hindi day
प्रतियोगिता में पहला पुरस्कार मिला है। निबध का विषय था - फ्लाईओवर।
फ्लाईओवर का जीवन में बहुत महत्व है, खास तौर पर इंजीनियरों और ठेकेदारों
के जीवन में तो घणा ही महत्व है। एक फ्लाईओवर से न जाने कितनी कोठियां
निकल आती हैं। पश्चिम जगत के इंजीनियर भले ही इसे न समझें कि भारत में यह
कमाल होता है कि पुल से कोठियां निकल आती हैं और फ्लाईओवर से फार्महाउस।
खैर, फ्लाईओवर से हमें जीवन के कई पाठ मिलते हैं, जैसे बंदा कई बार
घुमावदार फ्लाईओवर पर चले, तो पता चलता है कि जहां से शुरुआत की थी, वहीं
पर पहुंच गए हैं। उदाहरण के लिए ऑल इंडिया इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल साइंसेज
के पास के फ्लाईओवर में बंदा कई बार जहां से शुरू करे, वहीं पहुंच जाता
है। वैसे, यह लाइफ का सत्य है, कई बार बरसों चलते -चलते यह पता चलता है
कि कहीं पहुंचे ही नहीं।
फ्लाईओवर जब नए-नए बनते हैं, तो एकाध महीने ट्रैफिक स्मूद रहता है, फिर
वही हाल हो लेता है। जैसे आश्रम में अब फ्लाईओवर पर जाम लगता है, यानी अब
फ्लाईओवर पर फ्लाईओवर की जरूरत है। फिर उस फ्लाईओवर के फ्लाईओवर के
फ्लाईओवर पर भी फ्लाईओवर चाहिए होगा। हो सकता है कि कुछ समय बाद फ्लाईओवर
अथॉरिटी ऑफ इंडिया ही बन जाए। इसमें कुछ और अफसरों की पोस्टिंग का जुगाड़
हो जाएगा। तब हम कह सकेंगे कि फ्लाईओवरों का अफसरों के जीवन में भी घणा
महत्व है।
दिल्ली में इन दिनों फ्लाईओवरों की धूम है। इधर से फ्लाईओवर, उधर से
फ्लाईओवर। फ्लाईओवर बनने के चक्कर में विकट जाम हो रहे हैं। दिल्ली
गाजियाबाद अप्सरा बॉर्डर के जाम में फंसकर धैर्य और संयम जैसे गुणों का
विकास हो जाता है, ऑटोमैटिक। व्यग्र और उग्र लोगों का एक ट्रीटमेंट यह है
कि उन्हें अप्सरा बॉर्डर के जाम में छोड़ दिया जाए।
फ्लाईओवर बनने से पहले जाम फ्लाईओवर के नीचे लगते हैं, फिर फ्लाईओवर बनने
के बाद जाम ऊपर लगने शुरू हो जाते हैं। इससे हमें भौतिकी के उस नियम का
पता चलता है कि कहीं कुछ नहीं बदलता, फ्लाईओवर का उद्देश्य इतना भर रहता
है कि वह जाम को नीचे से ऊपर की ओर ले आता है, ताकि नीचे वाले जाम के लिए
रास्ता प्रशस्त किया जा सके।
फ्लाईओवरों का भविष्य उज्जवल है। कुछ समय बाद यह सीन होगा कि जैसे डबल
डेकर बस होती है, वैसे डबल डेकर फ्लाईओवर भी होंगे। डबल ही क्यों,
ट्रिपल, फाइव डेकर फ्लाईओवर भी हो सकते हैं। दिल्ली वाले तब अपना एड्रेस
यूं बताएंगे - आश्रम के पांचवें लेवल के फ्लाईओवर के ठीक सामने जो फ्लैट
पड़ता है, वो मेरा है। कभी जाम में फंस जाएं, तो कॉल कर देना, डोरी में
टांग कर चाय लटका दूंगा। संवाद कुछ इस तरह के होंगे - अबे कहां रहता है
आजकल रोज अपने फ्लैट से पांचवें लेवल का जाम देखता हूं, तेरी कार नहीं
दिखती। सामने वाला बताएगा - आजकल मैं चौथे लेवल के फ्लाईओवर में फंसता
हूं। अबे पांचवें लेवल के जाम में फंसा कर, वहां हवा अच्छी लगती है। अबे,
ले मैं तेरे ऊपर ही था, पांचवें वाले लेवल पर और तू चौथे लेवल पर, कॉल कर
देता, तो झांककर बात कर लेता
Friday, July 24, 2009
Kya khoob kaha hai dost
मैं लव्ज़ों में अपनी झूठी कहानी नहीं रखता
वो आये और आ कर अपनी यादों को भी ले जाये
मैं भूल जाने वालों की कोई निशानी नहीं रखता
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Forcing yourself to get up early in the morning is pointless!
I must admit I am a bit tired of it all. Why should I get up early in the first place? What have I got to prove?
So here are 10 points about why you should stay up late and still not feel bad when you come across another article by the self-help gurus who preach getting up early in the morning!
Why you should stay up LATE!
1. There is nothing ‘natural’ about getting up early in the morning. It perhaps made sense a few hundred years ago when sunlight was the only source of light and you could only get your work done when the sun was shining – so getting up early was required to maximize working time. This argument does not hold anymore – at least in places that have electricity. (If you are reading this, your house/office has electricity).
2. It is a myth that you ‘save time’ by getting up early. Well, each day has 24 hours and if you sleep for 6 hours, you have 18 hours to do everything else, irrespective of when you sleep and when you get up.
3. If you get up early, you’ll need to sleep early. If you sleep early, you miss out on all the exciting stuff that happens late at night! Most people start winding down around 8pm and are off to bed soon after. Most people have 1-2 hours of leisure time in the evening before they sleep. But this amount of time is not really enough to plan anything meaningful. On the other hand if you know that after finishing dinner at 9pm, you still have another 3-4 hours, it just opens up so many possibilities. You can read a book, watch a movie, work or simply talk.
4. Toiling away late into the night while the rest of the world sleeps is such a beautiful feeling! It is so still and quiet.
5. To just look out of your window or balcony at 3 am is such a moving sight. The whole city is bathed in a warm yellow glow, everyone is peacefully asleep, even your noisy neighbour. I would not miss the feeling for anything.
6. Some of the meals that I have enjoyed the most have been the late night snacks that I had while I was studying at BRCM. We used to get very hungry when we studied till late and either we used to cook up something around 3 in the morning or walk down to the RD (Ratan Da Dhaba). If you haven’t had a meal at 3 am, you’ve been missing something.
7. There are few things as surreal as a late night jog through an otherwise crowded place (during the day). It is a wonderful feeling to go for a jog around 1 am and just notice the stillness around you. It is amazingly peaceful and you get great ideas as well!
8. I am at my productive best when I work late. There are no distractions, no noise, no school bus to miss, no newspaper headlines to read. Knowing that there is nothing else between now and sleep time except what I am working on right now is a nice feeling.
9. When you sleep late, you will usually get up late and that can be so effective because you will do the boring/usual/essential stuff very quickly indeed. It is so much fun to get ready in a hurry. You find out just how quickly and efficiently you can shave among other things.
10. It is an amazing end to the day if you have been working late and have been able to do some good work. The feeling of satisfaction and contentment that you get as you lie down and close your eyes is not matched by anything else.
So, stop fretting about what time to get up in the morning. Getting up early seems to work for a lot of people, but it is not for everyone. The only way to find out the hours when you are most productive is to experiment. So try getting up early for a few days and try moving to a different pattern every few days. Stick to the one that feels most natural and productive.
Reference : Http://
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Have you watched your parents asleep?
I found this post on one website written by Shakuntla Devi (I think i am right)..
Your father’s body, once big and strong but now, the big is withered and the strong is weaker. Wisps of grey peak out from his hair, wrinkles now scar his forehead and face. This man works hard everyday and would sacrifice anything to make sure his family is provided for and his children get the best education possible.
Or how about your mother, whose soft hands once cuddled and held you close when you were a baby? Now those hands are dry and rough, bearing evidence of the challenges she faced just for us. This woman takes care of our daily needs, constantly nagging and scolding us because of her love for us. But sadly, we often misconstrue her love as control and unfairness.
I have never thought of watching my parents while they slept. I’ve watched my cousins sleep when they were babies, all round and cuddly and sweet smelling. But watch my parents? No way! They go to bed when they sure that i am sleeping well and wake up before me. so i never get the chance to see them asleep.
But after reading this message, I realised that there was indeed much truth in it. In fact, my parents do not have to be asleep for me to realise that they have aged.
Just looking at my mother walk tells me that her legs are not as strong as they were before. Or hearing her ask me for help with that flowerpot in the garden, the one she used to be able to push and drag around the garden without my help.
Or watching my dad lift a 10kg bag of wheat, I can easily carry that bag now. I am young. But to him, it is a struggle.
What do all these observations tell me?
Yes, my parents have aged. They are ageing, just as I am ageing. But as I age towards my best years and become stronger, they in turn are becoming weaker. They were once the caregivers and I the receiver. In time, I know our roles will reverse. Like it or not, want it to or not, this is life.
I suppose I have always subconsciously thought that my parents would always be with me, never growing old. It took that message to make me realise that my parents are not immortal. That they, too, will one day leave the world and me. Until then, I will make good use of our time together.
So guys take care of your family because they will not be with you for the lifetime. give them all the happiness of life that they have given to you when you needed them. its their turn now.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Gulaal ==> Review
movie : Gulaal.
music director :piyush mishra (actor,lyricst )
great composition and sound effects,i think in the same line of Vishaal bharadwaj. Lyrics of all the songs are very meaningful and sung by great singers as well.Some of the ‘raagas’ touched my heart. Very distinct genre. better have good speakers!! i want to write more but dont have right words for it.better sun lo….
somehow,if i just lie down and listen to these tracks,i can see myself roaming near river Ganga,lying in Desert,in chai ke bagaan,in thick forest or near water fall… each place has its own sound and i can imagine being there through these songs…
i can imagine being around with normal Junta in India in one of it’s streets.donno why.
i liked all the songs now you know. ‘ranaji’(iske lyrics zaroor sun na) is a peppy folk number,listen at high volume.“jaise bina baat afganistan ka bajj gaya bhaiya band,jaise door dess iraq main bass gaye uncle sam”
right now,fav is ‘Aisi Saza’ sung by shilpa rao
“”aisi sazaa deti hawaa
tanhaai bhi tanha nahi,
Neendein bhi ab sone gayeen
Raaton ko bhi parwaah nahi,
Aise main Baarish ki Boondon se Apni Saanson ko Sehla do
Badhti Hawaaon ke jhokon se dil ko naghma koi la bhi do
Palkon ki koro pr baithi nami ko
deheeme se pighla bhi do
wo pal abhi
waisa hi hai
choda tha jo
jaisa wahin “”
i think this movie will be good.It is Directed by Anurag Kashyap. The same DEV D director.
4 stars from my side for Gulaal
Delhi --> A city to love
Its just not the city for me but more than that.. as i am away from this city for quite a more time now.. hmm around 2 years now... yah
And I definitely do know god makes the best decisions for all of us. As Harivansh Rai Bachchan has put it…
mann ka ho to acha,
mann ka na ho to zada acha!
Coz when things don’t happen as you would wish them to be, they happen as god would like it, and his wish can never be wrong. :)
I am missing my home. This happens to be the first time ever that I am missing my home :( .
My life is also in this city, my city, which we lovingly call saddi dilli- our Delhi!
It’s my zone of comfort, my area of control;
It’s a place where I can take a wrong turn and still not feel lost;
It’s a place where I can proudly guide people where and when to go; where nobody can fool me because they know I am not an outsider;
It’s a city where every corner has a story of my beautiful days i have spent with my friends.
It’s a city where I know exactly where to go for shopping or good girls.. hehe.
It’s a city where all it takes to get anybody on your side is a few words in Punjabi, (after which they treat you like their relatives);
It’s a city where all my fav foods are easily available anytime I want
I am just loving everything about this city like crazies!! For the love of it, I know I’ve got to come back!!
Signing off with the song on my lips…
Yeh dilli hai mere yaar....
Bus ishq mohabbat pyaar....
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Chennai,auto and tamil
I went to the bus stop. All the buses had sign boards in Tamil. I tried asking people standing at the bus stop which bus to take. Most could not understand my English. I knew what to do. I asked “go-a straight-a which-a bus-a” (which bus route should I take to go straight). Instantly some people realized what I was asking and told me to board “Yum Thurdeen” or “Yes Fifdeen” (M13 or S15). I thanked them and waited. The buses came and it was full crowded. I decided not to “board”.
Then I asked a local guy if I should take an auto or a shared auto. This guy told me that auto would not oblige since this is a short distance. And then he told me shared auto is anyway a better option as I can save money. I told him it’s not all that big a saving. He then explained that it’s not about the money… I should take a shared auto because men and women share it and you get to rub shoulders with ladies. He was shaking his shoulders up and down while telling me this and I could tell he almost had a mental orgasm(sorry for this word .. but i couldn't find word better than this to explain this situation).
Finally I found a shared auto. There is no color coding between regular and shared autos in Chennai but after a while you can guess by looking at the make of the auto. I tried explaining the driver where I wanted to go but since I don’t know Tamil, it was a problem. Soon a lady sitting in the shared auto obliged and explained the driver where I wanted to go. Thanking her, I boarded the shared auto to notice this was an educated professional lady. She immediately asked me “No Tamil? What are you doing in Chennai?” to which I said “I am working here in Chennai”.
She had a sympathetic look on her face. So had I…
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Pal bhar ke liye ..............
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
OrKuT --------> The real culprit...
Most of the people in this world agree on one thing, that Microsoft is the devil in Computers field but I beg to differ a bit, as far as I can think the real devil these days is not Microsoft but a certain company called Google which is trying its best to screw our lives by two of its products viz Gtalk & Orkut. "Dazed and Confused" are you??? Lemme explain…
Until a few days ago, I used to think of gtalk and orkut as a gift of Google to mankind and nothing could have been better than orkut in uniting long lost friends and meeting new and interesting people. I have met many people from my school with whom I never talked much and now we are quite good friends but … then as the popularity of this Orkut started increasing, and parents log started to know about it and so on they started asking about it and you had to tell them about it.
It all started one day when my cousin was showing my orkut photos to my mom and then there was a pic of me having hukka and since the time my mom has seen that photo, she is always like " beta tune kab se smoke karna shuru kar diya", "Chhod de beta please" and I am like "WTF ORKUT!!" and that pic was of a time when olla taught us how to have a hookah in a ratan's dhaba and I was being accused of being a smoker.. Chi!! Chi!! Chi!!!
Ye sab was all fine until some relatives of mine from the (older) generation decided to join orkut, so now I have a whole bunch of mamas, mausajis and mamis on orkut and with each passing day I get a new scrap which goes like "aur beta kya haal hain??" ,"aur beta job kaisi ho rahi hai??" and the thing is I can't just tell them mujhe nahin add karna aapko mujhe apni personal life personal rakhni hai aap logon se.. Now they see each and every photo of mine, every time I chat with some girl next day comes a scrap from somebody, " aur beta badhiya hai, kisse baat ho rahi thi kal…
" well thankfully they are not like scolding me or sumthing… but I am sure this is gonna land me up in big trouble someday, I just hope that day doesn't come…
This reminds me of the story of a friend (gal) of mine who left orkut coz uske relatives peeche hi pad gaye the uske… They used to scout the profiles of each and every friend of hers and somehow found out a photo of hers with her boyfriend and then to her life was just Bhagwan bharose!!
Till orkut it was fine coz it is not my day to day life but when they started to come on gtalk this has meant the end of life to me… This means I cant put up statuses like pyar ishq aur mohabbat, Now on every status message I put and if they are online. I am asked why do you have this status message and then I have to tell them some story
All these things have assured me that Google without any doubt is the real devil and no company can come close to them when it comes to screwing off young and innocent kids like me. I just hope my family members don't stumble upon this blog of mine or else all my freedom will be gone.…
Song of The Day :- Rehna tu by A.R rehman(master piece)
A line worth for:
When you are a little boy!! You don't have to go very far to find the centre of your universe…. Mom!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Someone tagger me on this ..... :)
I think: therefore I am exist
I know: you will not read this post till the end.
I want: true meaning of life...
I have:.........................................
I wish: I had more love n more luck!! I know I’m so greedy :D
I hate: nothing at all! I became all that I hated, so I stopped hating.
I miss: the winter of 2007 and 2008 coz im in chennai :(.
I fear: weekends, same old boring ... roommates say no i wont go out anywhere... i will take rest .. what rest yaar...
I hear:my inner voice now... :)
I smell: like .... :) hehe
I search: for good girl...:) .
I wonder:How god created this beautiful world.
I regret: being the last in line when god was giving out ‘sense of humor’ to the world.
I love: uncle chips!! bole mere lips .. i loveee. :P
I was not: the same person yesterday!
I cry: when I cannot make you cry!
I believe: India is a developing country!! :P wtf!
I dance: like a true Punjabi!
I sing: in the bathroom.. its really amazing! :P
I read: what people learnt from their past relationships on their orkut profiles! So please update your profiles if u still haven’t! Someone genuinely cares :P
I don’t always: joke around! Someone please take me seriously!!!
I fight:for my rights :(
I write: love notes on walls of historic buildings!
I win: pillow fights on facebook!
I lose: my temper very easily! now changing this thing.. hope it should work out.
I always: look at what people on other tables have ordered before I order for myself!
I confuse: mostly myself!!
I listen: only when you talk sense.
I can usually be found: on gtalk! I know my life sucks! :P
I am scared: of global warming!! and being insecure.
I need:some peace of mind.
I am happy: on my birthday... i feel like im the richest...
I imagine: your state if you’ve really read this post till this dot---> .
Monday, February 23, 2009
- Nelson Mandela
I know I’ve already mentioned here once before that I feel even though life has given me a lot in the last four months, I simply have no account of what I have gained from or lost to it. And it definitely wasn’t a nice feeling, just pure lack of control over my life.
Not knowing enough about the outcome of my actions; not knowing what my next action would be; not deciding my actions based on what I wished to learn; feeling as if time just flew away; not knowing my long term goals and a lot more was creating a void of its own in my life, which I was trying to fill with lesser things, unimportant people and their views.
But none of it felt good in my heart.
And in a very “agar aap vote nahi kar rahe hain to aap so rahe hain...inko chai pilao” type moment, I met somebody who opened my eyes to this void and the fact that I already knew what I needed to do to fill it, but I was just not doing it.
And then I realised if now I don’t take account of my life, it will definitely pass me by. I needed to have my own foot on the accelerator of my life and my own hands on its steering.
And I am really happy to be able to write this here that I’ve now started doing things which have made the path I am walking visible to me. I finally have a to-do list and short term goals all clearly laid out. And trust me, it’s a great feeling.
I won’t say now I have absolute control over my life. I don’t know if anybody can ever have it. But having a destination in mind sure makes the journey easier.
Monday, February 16, 2009
One of my diary enteries... :)
3rd Day
Date: 9th november 2008
Dheeraj cool u have to have a patience...... listen boss... jo bhi hota hai aache ke liye hota hai...
there are many positive points also for this. Don't you worry about this thing. Now just do hardward at your front.. coz now you know u have only one target in mind... u have to think seriously about your job now.. ... all were telling this from last one year... u were not listening .... now u have to listen them all... they all are not fool... but u were dumb.
Anyhow feel relax and chill.... don't do anything that will give a wrong impression at your front. Just be simple and unique as you are. No need to change. Just be like that. And one more thing don't change your attitude. Be the same as you are. Humble and gentle. Atleast for someone..:)
Friday, February 6, 2009
A letter: Worth Reading
Well this letter is written by a Ex-Employee of satyam.. Lets have a look at his opinion also..
At a time when almost 90 per cent of my Satyam friends are cribbing about the fraud and betrayal by (former Satyam chairman) B Ramalinga Raju, I have a slightly different opinion.
I know it is bold of me to write this in black and white, but this comes straight from my heart, and experience.
Let me start by quoting an example from 2006. Most of my friends were unemployed, with 50-60 per cent plus marks, with a B.Tech degree from an average university, and madly hunting for a job. Whether people accept it today or not, the truth is that Satyam was the ONLY saviour and the only mass recruiter who was ready to accept students who had backlog. It also did not put a very strict 'minimum-marks' criterion.
And this was true not only for my small college in Lucknow, but also many such colleges across India.
Satyam is the fourth-largest IT company in India. Looking at India's population and the rising unemployment, I really want to thank Raju for giving some 54,000 Indians jobs at least for all these years.
He was the reason for the revival of confidence and the reason for the bread-and-butter for many a family.
Also, Satyam training was renowned all over India. The STC (Satyam Training Centre) created numerous love stories and unexpected rekindling of a youthful environment where girls and boys were more independent than in their colleges.
I remember most of my Satyam friends felt that they made better friends during Satyam's three-to-six month training than they did in the four years of studying B.Tech.
Unfortunately people forget to thank God in sad times. I know what Raju did is deplorable, and unpardonable. He should have treated the business more formally, and not dealt with it like it was his family affair.
He should have straightened up at least a couple of years ago. Why did he hire so many non-potential candidates and keep them on the bench? When were the managers last told that if they don't work hard, they will lose their job? Business cannot be run in such a lousy fashion.
I have a lot of friends at Satyam, both male and female. Moreover I network a lot and thus am fairly well clued into what is happening at the company.
I have seen how people tailgate to Satyam, how they give their cards to others to be swiped on their behalf, how female employees have gone home sharp at 6 p.m., irrespective of when they landed at the office. . ., how employees sit at home for months at a stretch, prepare for all kind of post-graduate entrance exams and still enjoy a full month's pay, how often they went for movies at local theatres at office hours, how often employees went to office just to sign on registers in the mornings and the evenings, how often they faked their health certificates, how often they put unlimited fake medical and house rental bills. . .
How can we blame just one man when EACH AND EVERY person was disloyal? How can we exclude the auditors like PricewaterhouseCoopers? How can we exclude the then board of directors who tried to wash their hands off of the whole affair?
How can we exclude banks who gave hefty loans without true verification? How can we exclude the Andhra Pradesh chief minister who was lenient towards Raju ahd his fellow businessmen? How can we exclude the managers who were never able to trace which bench employee under him had been away from office and for how long?
Yet, how can people forget this is the same man whose ideas and potentials gave them an identity for the past several years? How many couples found the right match at an IT industry, courtesy Satyam, and how many Andhra farmers benefited from their huge investments in Satyam shares.
How can people forget that Satyam launched its offices right at the doorsteps of a residential colony, where people could simply walk to work?
The most gruesome experience that I had was when a Satyam tag wearing person was waiting to attend an interview and I overheard him saying that he was in a business meeting at the MyHome Satyam office when he was sitting right in front of me in a totally different company (little knowing that I too was a Satyam employee).
When employees themselves show such a lousy attitude and don't care a damn for the brand they carry around their neck, how can they expect others to care?
I am not saying that ALL Satyam employees are bad. I have known very dedicated people too, but my point is simple: before pointing fingers at others, introspect a bit. There are thousands of people who have completed certifications at the cost of Satyam, got trained at Satyam, got better jobs because of Satyam. . .
What Raju did was to keep the business of Satyam going at any cost. I see a smart man in him when he realised that it would be better to accept his mistake than be caught and tried under American laws.
I see a selfish father in him too that he put a lot at stake for Maytas. However, he resigned with dignity: it does take courage to accept your mistake in public.
But one cannot deny that he did create employment, which led to many others benefiting too: the tiffinwallahs, the transport people, those who rented their houses, etc.
Today Satyamites call Raju a fraud.
Well, the true and loyal Satyamites surely have all the reasons to call him a fraud. But the rest, who sucked every rupee out of Satyam without doing any value-addition, need to ask themselves: who is the bigger fraud?
So guys .. its "TAT VAM ASI".. means look in yourself.... you will find all the answers.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Tough Times
Yup, sometimes I feel, this is the toughest phase of my Life so far. And I guess I will write about all that in this Blog of mine. I am not sweet (not as much as I used to be earlier) any more, I am not feeling 'I am happy' always, I don't smile much - coz there are other things preoccupied in my mind - which I just can't ignore - I Have to spend time for all that, hence ... ya, this is The toughest time of my Life so far.
And the one thing that I am doing more often these days, which has been told to me by my friends Not to do - is - keeping people away from me, no associations, no new ones at least. Can't help listening to the inner voice - the deepest feeling that speaks always. And I am sure I am not hurting anybody that ways. They say - when you have tough times, move on, chill out, make friends, .... and i say - then what? Well, when I have tough times, I am more peaceful keeping quiet, spending time relaxing - in my own ways, and then - may be calling up friends - share some jokes :-)
And btw, I learnt two terms - that are unnecessarily overused in the corporate world - "grab opportunity", "take initiative". These phrases sound Gr8, lot of times, but the fact is that - its usage is not necessary at all times, and need not be used while motivating anyone. Lack of vocabulary, and lack of proper communication skills are the drivers for the usage, which is not appropriate. Really its true
Yes, i have started something. Something that I never did, I am doing now. To err is human, afterall ;)
Ok, got some work now, lemme finish them first.